ISW 2013, Helsinki

ISW 2013 Helsinki, 
August 25 - 29  2013.

Our Programme for ISW 2013:
Contact: President of APIMSF Zvonimir Lovric,   or Executive assistant Norman Rich

APIMSF Program ISW 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013    session: 55
08:30-10:00   55     IATSIC / APIMSF / FOA Main Session
                                 Modern wound care (war and peace time): evidence and controversies
                                  Moderators:     Mark W. Bowyer, USA
                                                            Otmar Trentz, Switzerland
                                                            N. Strandberg, Finland (FOA)
                                 Damage control orthopedics
                                   Hans Christoph Pape, Germany
                                 Mangled extremity and combined bone and vascular injuries
                                   Zsolt Balogh, Australia
                                 Advances in prosthetic care
                                   Mark Bowyer, USA
                                 Open tibial fractures
                                   E. Tukiainen, Finland
 Tuesday, August 27, 2013      session: 98
16.00-17.30  98    APIMSF Main Session
                                 Wound ballistics and military surgeon’s education

                                 Moderators:     Norman Rich, USA
                                                            Erkki Tukiainen, Finland
                                 History of military surgery education
                                   Norman Rich, USA
                                 Pathophysiology of ballistic wounds
                                   Erkki Tukiainen, Finland
                                 Wound closure in complex war injuries              
                                   Christian Willy, Germany
                                 Simulation in military surgery training
                                    Mark Bowyer
17:30 --                  GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF APIMSF

Wednesday, August 28, 2013     session: 160

10.30-12.00  160  APIMSF Free Papers
                                 Military surgery

                                 Moderators:     Zvonimir Lovric, Croatia
                                                            Christian Willy, Germany

Thursday, August 29, 2013    session: 207

16:00-17:30 207     IATSIC / APIMSF Main Session
                                 Hospital based disaster management

                                Moderators:      Z.Lovric, Croatia
                                                           C. Gaarder, Norway

                                What can be learned from recent mass casualty incidents
                                  P.A. Naess, Norway
                                How to improve hospital disaster plans: experience from real life disasters
                                  D.V Feliciano,  USA
                                Transformation of a civil hospital into a war hospital
                                  Zvonimir Lovric, Croatia
                                Medical Response to Major Incidents (MRMI) course
                                  Sten E.V. Lennquist, Sweden