APIMSF Annual Meeting, Washington Aug 22.-23 2014

The annual meeting was organized by our President Mark BOWYER in Washington DC. // with all our heart we thank him!//

 Annual meeting of APIMSF
Washington August 22. - 23. 2014.
Held in (Uniformed Services University), Walter Reed Hospital, Bethesda Maryland was a successful meeting with numerous members of The APIMSF and dear guests who are potential members.

Friday Aug 22.

  • incorporated in 29th annual Uniformed Services University Trauma Day 
  • Val  G. Hemming National Capital Area Medical Simulation Center
  • tour of the Simulation Center and some hands on demonstrations of the Simulation Technologies to include our Wide Area Virtual Environment and some of the bleeding models that we are developing
  • catered reception at the National Museum of Medicine and Health (http://www.medicalmuseum.mil/)
  • a trip to the Marine Barracks for the evening Parade:

Saturday Aug 23. /at Val G. Hemming Center/

1. Jeffrey Bailey /San Antonio TX/: Continuous Concurrent PI in CCC
2. Francois Pons /Paris, France/: Training Military Surgeons - The French Experience
3. John Oh /WRNMMC/: Military Trauma Systems, Role4
4. Edward Tan /Nijmegan Netherlands/: Combined Trauma masterclass, 5 years experience
5. Per Ortenwall /Frolunda, Sweden/: Trauma training in Sweden
6. David Welling /USUHS, Bethesda/: The advantages of International Surgery
7. Zvonimir Lovric /Zagreb, Croatia/: 130,000 years from first bone fracture treatment in Croatia
8. Viktor Reva /St. Petersburg, Russia/: Russian experience w Hemorrhage Control
9. Anne Rizzo //: The Surgical Road Show
10. Horst Peter Becker / Ulm, Germany/: The German Master Plan
11. Iain Smith /UK/: Quadriceps Stimulation Post Trauma
12. David Nott /London, UK/: Update from the Conflict in Gaza

The option of a visit to the memorials or the Air and Space museum in the afternoon was consumed by some members