APIMSF Annual Meeting 2012.

The Ambroise Paré International Military Surgery Forum -  Annual meeting 2012. was held in Zagreb

August, 30. 2012. August, 31. 2012. September, 1. 2012.
Thursday Friday Saturday
  • arrival at Zagreb airport
  • acommodation
  • Forum meeting over a dinner
  • two lectures (8:30–10:30)
  • visit to Vukovar Memorial hospital
  • visit to Ilok vineyard
  • dinner in Ilok wine-cellar on the Danube bench
  • farewell breakfast
  • departure

Forum meeting (August 30. 2012.).
1. The idea about Forum overgrowing into association or society:
Suggestions about changing the name - "Forum" is not appropriate  if we became association.
In this way we will hod the name of Ambroise Pare (as a credit to past).

2. Registration fee should be included (not to be expensive), but there is an open discussion whether to be included as an integrated society in ISS (with obligatory paying of membership to ISS) which creates additional expences for potential new members of our association.
If we are autonomous, there is a question of accountancy - who will maintain the account?

3. Francois Pons presented an idea: APIMSF (or future "IAMSAP") is invited by ERIC VOIGLIO (President of ECTES in Lyon May 4-7.  2013.) to organize one session (90 min. 4 or 5 speakers, free fee for the whole congress for the president and free of fee for one day-day of our session for other speakers). Therefore we must discuss this possibility.
I will be in contact with Eric Voiglio soon, and have the data and terms.
Before the dinner meeting we had a short sight seeing in Zagreb center:

On Aug 31. we had a conference for the extensive auditorium:
1. Introduction by Zvonimir Lovric and a movie: "War surgery in Osijek 1991/92.
followed by two lectures:
2. Mark Bowyer: Training US military surgeons using simulation: present and future
3. Peter Becker: Modern Military Hospital Management: German experience

/Zvonimir Lovric, Horst Peter Becker, Vlado Maric (repr. of the President of the Republic of Croatia), Kenan Yusif-zade, Mark Bowyer, Peter Brusov, Francois Pons, col. Goran Gudelj (Croatian Army)/

After the conference we proceeded by bus to small town of Vukovar in the eastern part of Croatia, where one of the most severe battles took place in 1991. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vukovar).
We have visited the hospital principals and Memorial war hospital in the hospital basement. After that we payed respects to the patients-victims in Ovčara (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vukovar_massacre).
The day was finished in Ilok winery: tasting the exellent vines and having dinner in the company of the local tambura band playing for us.